Hipster Doofus Monkey on a Sunday morning...
So I'm hunting around for some stuff to do. The Dante project is on hold while I have a rethink, more on that soon. I want to start doing some t-shirt designs using F1 cars from the early sixties, that needs a lot of work but I'm looking forward to it. I have another book project that I want to start, the story is layed out but I have to start writing it yet. Feels like a kind of limbo, lots to do, but I have to choose a direction. These things take time to clarify and set right after all.
This is one a number of sketches for a page from my ape book, it was a bitch. I'm messaging my sister in Ireland as I post this, by god that girl does the typepad thingy fast, you'd swear she was dictating.
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