Four Kings
I was playing Full Tilt Limit Hold'em last night. I had a K4 unsuited. This is a hand I wouldn't usually play because the kicker was so low.
Now I was on the big blind so I already had some chips in the pot. I think that I'm going to see the flop. The pot gets raised before the flop and I think to myself 'Hey, I'm already half way there, why not?' Right?
So I call on the raise and the flop comes up KKK. Three Kings laying out as neat as you please and at least two of them are smiling at me, one looks kind of glum and the one in my sweaty paw is laughing his ass off.
How the hell do you play four kings?
If I bet does everyone fold?
Does anyone really believe that four kings are going to show up in a short handed game?
Should I bet and try to make the other players think that I'm trying to pretend I flopped four kings? Is that too much to believe?
Would you bet at a 3 king flop hoping that no ones going to believe you even though you had the nuts?
So I check and determine to bet on the turn no matter what. A 10 comes up on the turn and I bet out. I'm raised and I raise again. People are mucking hands all around the table until its me and one other guy. I'm called and the turn comes up. Its a 4, a pretty junky card and I reckon that anyone left is going to fold, unless they made a pair and have a full house.
I won, but the kings spooked everyone except the guy who raised (he had a pocket 10.) Great hand, less than average pot. Bugger.
Anyway, thats the best hand I ever had at Hold'em. Its probably the best hand I've ever seen in poker. The only thing that was ever going to beat me was four aces or a royal flush and theres no chance of a royal or quad aces, I know I've won. The problem wasn't winning, the problem was getting the others to pay me off.
This was the hardest, most frustrating hand I've ever played. I think if I was sitting there without a king and a three king flop had showed I'd be thinking two things.
1 I don't really believe that anyones got a pocket king, I just don't expect to see one, so I need a card to make a full house.
2 I'm going to fold unless I get a card on the turn or unless I already have a pocket pair which means I've already got a full house.
How would you play this monster hand? If anyone has an idea, do me a favor and let me know.
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