Canto VSo then we neared hell's second gate
1I saw a vision carved from hate
The demon Minas flicked his tail
To whip the damned until they wailed
4With stripes he left on peoples souls
Their place in hell was bound to roll
Then seeing me the demon cried
'Welcome to hell, the way is wide!'
8My guide then quickly turned to him
And silenced him with sentence grim
'O Minas don't torment your mind
His passing has been blessed you'll find
12And one should do just what ones told
So carry us through portal cold'
The demon Minas lashed his tail
But us he could not we assail
16As walked we through to hell's next round
My ears were numbed by dreadful sound
Saw I a flock of starlings there
Now down now up in burning air
20In a cloud of millions tattered
Down and out and in they scattered
Screaming all the time in voices
Cursing God for lifes poor choices
24Blown about by hells hot fury
Doomed by God alone, no jury
28I asked my master 'Who are these'
'Who struggle on this restless breeze?'
32My master stood with brows crease covered
'Tis the fate for mankind's lovers
See the souls who broke God's laws
Queen of old who scandal caused
36Cleopatra follows next
Her sinful soul denied all rest
Next the heroes of fair Troy
Immortal souls by cyclone toyed'
40Ladies great and knights full bold
Were tossed within this blizzard cold
And spied I then some souls I'd known
Who suffered in the tempest blown
44'Master might I call these two?'
I asked as by me hot wind blow
'I'm sure they'll come' to me replied
So called I then as by they flied
48So came they over circled me
And listened to my begging plea
'Oh battered souls Inferno blow
How came you to this place most low?'
52They answered me with heartfelt cry
'Our souls were cast here when we died
While books we'd read of Lancelot
Have cast us out, our souls it cost
56Though we had loved each other well
It damned us both to live in hell'
They spoke to me of all they were
And wept I then with tears unspared
These gentle souls by God's define
Had desecrate the human shrine
60My mind recoiled from hellish strain
So down I went in faint again 62