Thursday, August 03, 2006

Three weeks and five days left.

And so it begins. I finished all the basic planning yesterday and now the heavy drawing begins. These are the proposed page spreads for the first two pages. The numbers on the left hand side are the verses that the page spreads need to accomadate. For some of the images I've referenced Dante (Divine Comedy:Inferno) and Milton (Paradise Lost) as well as some of my earlier work. The Lions Gate is the opening image and it was something that I had wanted to do for another project which was edited out.

I wrote a list of things I wanted to achieve with the book and they are as follows.

1: Really dark and really funny illustrations.
2: Limited color to make the book cheaper to produce
3: Limited detail, graphic look
4: Speed and danger, cool fucking cars...

I kind of suprised myself. When I started thumbnailing the page spreads I made it all the way through from start to finish on the first go. There are images in the sequence that didn't work but the point for me is to just make it through. Problem pages will need to be addressed as more detailed work is done. From there I try to expand the thumbnails to a size I can actually use, detail sketches are added to clarify details within the compositions.

Things are going too well, there must be troubled waters ahead.

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