Sunday, September 17, 2006

This is the revised model. The proportions of the T34 are much more complex than the F1 cars of the sixties with their cigar shaped bodies. I think that part of the problem is that you're not used to seeing a car with six wheels and so the shape of the front end can be confusing because you're just not used to seeing something so odd. I simplified the body at the back of the car and increased the size of the radiator as well as lenghtening the cockpit area so that it starts slightly before the front set of wheels. I also reduced the size of the aerodynamic flip-ups that sit in front of the rear tyres. My model is based more on the 1976 version of the T34 as opposed to the more shrouded look of the 1977 version which has a one piece canopy that sits over the frame and roll bar/crash structure behind the driver.

Aero was becoming more and more important in grand prix car design in this period.

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