Monday, September 11, 2006


Blogger is slow again this morning.

I have a lot of work to do today, there are two large jobs that are due on Thursday and Friday which will take most of my time this week to make the deadlines.

I started rewriting Dante's Inferno on saturday while I waited for my girlfriend at the dentist. Its going well so far although I've only just begun on Canto I (32 or so to go.)

I've wanted to do illustrations for the Inferno for a long time, but I came to the realization that the poem itself is largely inaccesable because of its complexity. So I'm going to change it. Heresy I know, but besides its lenght it doesn't work as a 'poem' in english. So my number one task is to make it work in the vernacular and to abridge it to a lenght that I can work with.

The actuall writing part of this is not something I'm looking forward to but it'll need to be done if I want to do the illustrations I have planned. And I do want to do these illustrations.

I think this one may take a while. Luckily I've set myself no time limit on it because I'm sure that no one is interested in it besides myself.

PS I won't be touching either the Purgatorio or the Paradiso, I just have no real interest in going near these parts of the Comedy.

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